Our services are available to businesses, corporations, agencies and individuals with challenges that they cannot overcome alone. We seek to find you answers; we pursue the truth and we challenge deceit.
Every investigation is unique as is the discovery of evidence, below are standard rates for most investigations we will accept:
Hourly Rate: $49.95 + GST (minimum 3.0hrs billing)
Mileage Rate: $0.60 + GST (per kilometre)
*Extra fees may apply for documentation, court testimony, field logistics, etc.
Clients and Methods
The employed methods depend on the particulars of the case, each case is unique, our Investigative team will discuss with you available options for your case. Techniques from the list (non-exhaustive) below will be considered in conjunction with the following criteria: lawful, court-admissable evidence, ethical, effective, and qualitative.
Confidentiality: your inquiries into available services and the circumstances surrounding your inquires must be discussed in order to appreciate the situation, rest assured that your circumstances will be kept in the strictest confidentiality, and your privacy upheld to the letter of the law.
Who Hires Investigative Services
- Private Persons
- Landlords
- Employers
- Law Firms
- Corporations
- Government Agencies
Tactical Services
- Audio/Visual ‘Bug’ Sweeping
- Surveillance
- Counter Surveillance
- Close Protection
- Risk Assessment & Consulting
Fact Finding Services
- Fraudulent claims and transactions
- Unexplained shrink and losses
- Asset Tracking, Locating & Recovery ‘skip trace’
- Counterfeit Merchandise
- Corporate Investigations
- Employee/Contractor Misconduct
- Pre-Employment & Background Checks
- Business/Real Estate Due Diligence
- Civil Litigation
- Legal Team Support
- Incidence of extortion, bribery, intimidation
- Malpractice Accusations
- Stalking & Harrassment Cases
- Cyber Fraud, impersonation, bullying, etc
- Missing Person or Pet
- Person of Interest & Witness Interviews
- Infidelity
Employed Methods
- High Quality Surveillance Equipment
- Open Source Intelligence Gathering
- Interview Techniques
- Statement Analysis
- Review Records
- Subject Re-enactments
- Behavioural Analysis and Profiling
- Multi-Agency Collaboration
- Forensic Audit
- Surveillance and Counter Surveillance
- Clandestine Inspections
- ‘Bait’
- Searches